Current Postal Matches


Canter, Try-out and Walk/Trot postal matches for: JAN-FEB 2025.
Last shooting date: 29/02/2025, please return scores by midnight on: 01/03/2025

  • Please return scores on > postal match, here
    Please select the correct category for each competitor according to their age and experience*
  • For child competitors (13y or younger on 31Dec) in Canter matches:
    According to IHAA rules they should not be timed - they must remain in canter but they do not gain or lose points for speed.
    There is a separate returns area for the children’s canter postal match.
  • Child riders may opt to compete as juniors and use the standard rules, ie gaining or losing speed points.
    Moving up an age category must apply for a whole calendar year - please notify your IHAA rep if you wish to do this.

Polish and Arena postal matches for: DEC/2025- JAN/2026.
Last shooting date: 31/03/2025, please return scores by midnight on: 01/04/2025

  • Please return Polish scores on > postal match, here
    Please select the correct category for each competitor according to their age and experience*
  • Arena scores are entered on this page.

* When people have either been doing hba for 2y or more, OR when they are shooting scores of WT4 or higher (for WT postals) or S4 / HA1 or higher, they should count as "experienced" for the purpose of the postal match categories.
Results are posted on our Facebook Page a couple of days after the closing date for the match.

Canter postal match

Canter try-out postal match

Walk and trot postal match

Arena course postal match

Postal Polish track

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The IHAA was established in late 2013.

Bringing the Global community of Horseback Archers together via Postal Matches and a standardised Grading System.

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